May 22, 2018

The red and gold banarasi

This beautiful weave for Yards of Legacy is Rashmi’s mother, Shakuntala’s gorgeous sari.

Rashmi chose this sari as it is her mother’s wedding sari. As a kid she always dreamed to one day dress in her mother’s wedding attire.

This is a 36 year old Banarasi weave. It was almost falling apart the day we decided to take the pictures as it was sitting in the cupboard all these years. But even through that it gave us it’s best! Can’t help but love it’s colour and the stunning golden motif weave.

Rashmi decided to recreate her mom’s wedding look by dressing up in the same jewelry that she wore on that day. (Except for the nose pin, I am sure  )

Rashmi says, ” The rich and vibrant colours, for me, depict the strength and vitality of my mom” . How true!



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