June 6, 2016

Rabbit hole and Japanese tea ceremony


As she opened her eyes, she was in a pleasant green bamboo groove, with the soft afternoon sunlight and a cool refreshing breeze. She thought, ‘oh well this is not so bad, atleast not like the last time’. As she walked a few paces she noticed a table with nothing but a beautiful blue ceramic tea set. The kettle steaming hot she presumed, looking at the wisps of mist rising. She looked around, the obvious thing to do was to see who it belonged to. Do not touch things that don’t belong to you they said, do not drink things that wasn’t made for you of course. But something was telling her, ‘Wasn’t it obvious it was just for her’. The matcha tea was waiting  for her and so were the beautiful Japanese cups. As she slowly poured herself a cup of tea and held it in her palms for warmth against the cool breeze, it felt good. She admired the cup, like she learned in her Japanese tea ceremony, swirled the tea and took a sip. The first sip of the green tea was heavenly, warming her up on the inside. She sat and stared at the bamboo , sipping her tea. She noticed something strange about this species of bamboo , theirs nodes seemed not to be there at all. Hmm, wait a minute she thought, this isn’t bamboo at all it’s just grass!! All of it. And those were not trees far away, just shrubs! She had heard about Alice and wonderland, The rabbit hole and the Mad hatter. But that was all just wonderland wasn’t it. Oh but the tea set!

“It’s always Tea Time!”

Is this start of a new adventure? she wondered. Should she go looking for the Mad Hatter , the March Hare and the Dormouse ? There were that many cups afterall! The mad Japanese tea ceremony.




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